Suggestions, queries and complaints.
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Re: Suggestions, queries and complaints.
there is also an option "view alls" shows you everybody which is offline and online . thats what i use..
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You can add people to a friend's list, then you'll be able to see your entire friend's list and it will show who's online or not.
I haz no friends, this doesn't help
You can add people to a friend's list, then you'll be able to see your entire friend's list and it will show who's online or not.

I haz no friends, this doesn't help

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You can do as Arhun suggested as well, click View All. 

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joining a nps guild doesnt seems to lower the prices at their vendors, i joined the healers guild via the healer guildmaster but the prices at the healer's shop didnt change, and i cannot resign from the guild too its been more than 2 week its keep sayin iv just joined and i have to wait 3 days.
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Are you the only member of the guild? Did you participate in any elections yet?
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there is a way to get a lot of questpoints by doing a quest just once, its a kind of exploit, i won about 20 questpoints by just doing a quest once.. [just wanted to mention]
anyway i would like to suggest a topic where we can reports bug and see the progression of resolving , for example: i v reported the bug about the yumi Bow ,its been a while and i dont know if the solution its in progress or not, or supposed to be resolved.
its not that im in an hurry
and i know you have a lot of work etc.. thats why i just suggesting a post where we can follow the progression.
anyway i would like to suggest a topic where we can reports bug and see the progression of resolving , for example: i v reported the bug about the yumi Bow ,its been a while and i dont know if the solution its in progress or not, or supposed to be resolved.
its not that im in an hurry

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More custom monsters needed to kill. Preferable ones with rare drops, even deco would count.
I heard a suggestion of bringing the evo guys back to fight.
I heard a suggestion of bringing the evo guys back to fight.
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We have plans in store on the very near horizon 

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A basilisk pet, that can turn you when your fighting it and eneimes into stone, and it takes a while to soften from stone back to normal, So for example you going to tame it and it stones you and you die, you gota wait x amount of time before you can loot your body cause it's stone. were looking for a little stronger pet as gen 3-4 ancient wyrms arent cutting the butter at times. make it take 5 pet slots if you do. and it should use the most deadly poison available.
A head tossing event, where you get a head double click it like you are throwing a potion and it goes a random distance from you and to where you clicked, furtherst one wins,
A wind blade, a melee weapon that has range, So sharp it cuts the wind. maybe make a hard quest for it or it cost alot of reward scrolls, if you do choose to use the idea,
A ride able dragon like the ancient wyrm, or basilisk if you choose that idea would be cool.
A flying boat, why ride when you can fly on a boat? that flies over land and water, In a guild war? send in the shock troopers, make your guild mates jump off the flying boat into battle! would need a land command just incase you jump too. maybe cannons that shoot exploding pots too, for like air battles or just to mix things up.
When things get hot, sometimes you need something to cool them down. something like one time guardian summons. a statue that when you break it it summons a powerful creature to guard you for x amount of time. I think they would be a great addition maybe make a quest to get one, and you can only do the quest but so many times a day, and add them to the online store,
maybe make a slayer class to mix up the pvp with vamps and wolfs, as in sliver weapons that deal extra damage to vamps and were dogs, and also has the damage in the areas that vamps and wolfs are the lowest resist in. and spells like throw steaks, and holy water, and wolf bane poison.
Dual weapons, cause some times one aint enough, they add another weapons damage and that weapons specials, but lower parry and you would maybe have to do a quest to get a book that would teach you how to dual fight after you have 100 or 100+ in all fighting styles to be able to read the book. one handed weapons only of course would be the trade there. and would take the shield slot.
A government town system, with town levels depending on how many people you have got to join your town stone as town levels increase you get stuff like a town bank, and portal, smith, etc. as well as maybe a npc town army systems, for town raids, and town wars, where you get so many npcs, that you have to put the armor on and all, but they act as town guards, and when you go to war they go kill the other town you are attacking towns guards, and players, as you raid the town,
A bounty system, where if you just want to see some one dead, you post a bounty, you must collect they're head to receive payment, and it takes the head and gives it to the bounty client.
maybe grim reaper appeal, like the Ghost shroud (a black hooded robe that when you put it on it makes you look see through) a grim reaper set of appeal and armor that would be cool.
A gauntlet, A maze you go through solo, or with others, the more you bring with you the harder the monster spawns and the better pay out, but you run through and kill monsters, bosses, etc, and gain points for doing it or maybe some tickets spawn on these monsters that you can trade in at the end for rs or other gear. dangerous traps, and when you die, you and your body go back to the starting area, and can't get back in till the round is over or everyone else dies too, think this one should be a player only place no pets, to keep the edge on.
new metals and runic hammers for crafting armor and weapons, like star plate strong in all elements, and the weapon would have the damage divided evenly on the elemental damage base. or maybe one metal for every element to try to get crafting back in the game of good armor and weapons ;P
Slayer stones, add the stone to the weapon to add that slayer type to the weapon, maybe make a max of 2 stones or 1 a weapon. the slayer stat eventually wear off, so you will have to keep getting them to keep the power.
Gem slots. make some monsters that will drop gems and the gems break over time, but add a good stat to the weapon for a while.
A magic reflecting pet, alot of stuff just over powers you at times with magic, maybe make a pet that will reflect some magic back every once and a while. a good tank pet could do us some good. high def low attack.
There are some suggestions haha. i know if anything they will take time if you choose to use them, take what you want from them there yours to do what ever with. ill suggest more later.
and p.s. whats up with the pet specials i cant seem to see them work, they unlock at pet level 26 is there something you got to do to get them to work? or is that a bugged system for now?
Thank you for your time, and keep up the good work.
J The Reaper.
A head tossing event, where you get a head double click it like you are throwing a potion and it goes a random distance from you and to where you clicked, furtherst one wins,
A wind blade, a melee weapon that has range, So sharp it cuts the wind. maybe make a hard quest for it or it cost alot of reward scrolls, if you do choose to use the idea,
A ride able dragon like the ancient wyrm, or basilisk if you choose that idea would be cool.
A flying boat, why ride when you can fly on a boat? that flies over land and water, In a guild war? send in the shock troopers, make your guild mates jump off the flying boat into battle! would need a land command just incase you jump too. maybe cannons that shoot exploding pots too, for like air battles or just to mix things up.
When things get hot, sometimes you need something to cool them down. something like one time guardian summons. a statue that when you break it it summons a powerful creature to guard you for x amount of time. I think they would be a great addition maybe make a quest to get one, and you can only do the quest but so many times a day, and add them to the online store,
maybe make a slayer class to mix up the pvp with vamps and wolfs, as in sliver weapons that deal extra damage to vamps and were dogs, and also has the damage in the areas that vamps and wolfs are the lowest resist in. and spells like throw steaks, and holy water, and wolf bane poison.
Dual weapons, cause some times one aint enough, they add another weapons damage and that weapons specials, but lower parry and you would maybe have to do a quest to get a book that would teach you how to dual fight after you have 100 or 100+ in all fighting styles to be able to read the book. one handed weapons only of course would be the trade there. and would take the shield slot.
A government town system, with town levels depending on how many people you have got to join your town stone as town levels increase you get stuff like a town bank, and portal, smith, etc. as well as maybe a npc town army systems, for town raids, and town wars, where you get so many npcs, that you have to put the armor on and all, but they act as town guards, and when you go to war they go kill the other town you are attacking towns guards, and players, as you raid the town,
A bounty system, where if you just want to see some one dead, you post a bounty, you must collect they're head to receive payment, and it takes the head and gives it to the bounty client.
maybe grim reaper appeal, like the Ghost shroud (a black hooded robe that when you put it on it makes you look see through) a grim reaper set of appeal and armor that would be cool.
A gauntlet, A maze you go through solo, or with others, the more you bring with you the harder the monster spawns and the better pay out, but you run through and kill monsters, bosses, etc, and gain points for doing it or maybe some tickets spawn on these monsters that you can trade in at the end for rs or other gear. dangerous traps, and when you die, you and your body go back to the starting area, and can't get back in till the round is over or everyone else dies too, think this one should be a player only place no pets, to keep the edge on.
new metals and runic hammers for crafting armor and weapons, like star plate strong in all elements, and the weapon would have the damage divided evenly on the elemental damage base. or maybe one metal for every element to try to get crafting back in the game of good armor and weapons ;P
Slayer stones, add the stone to the weapon to add that slayer type to the weapon, maybe make a max of 2 stones or 1 a weapon. the slayer stat eventually wear off, so you will have to keep getting them to keep the power.
Gem slots. make some monsters that will drop gems and the gems break over time, but add a good stat to the weapon for a while.
A magic reflecting pet, alot of stuff just over powers you at times with magic, maybe make a pet that will reflect some magic back every once and a while. a good tank pet could do us some good. high def low attack.
There are some suggestions haha. i know if anything they will take time if you choose to use them, take what you want from them there yours to do what ever with. ill suggest more later.
and p.s. whats up with the pet specials i cant seem to see them work, they unlock at pet level 26 is there something you got to do to get them to work? or is that a bugged system for now?
Thank you for your time, and keep up the good work.
J The Reaper.

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Your welcome sir, and like i said they are your's to do what ever with, the guild and i are having a blast here =). ill keep pumping out idea's for yall. i don't expect all of them to be used, just getting them out there.

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