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Player Government System

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:02 pm
by Raist
New Additions Updated:


NOTE: Not currently installed, but will return at a future date.

Player Government System

Player Government System-One of the greatest additions to The Expanse has recently been added, the Player Government System. This is a very involved system, but we're going to attempt to cover all the bases here.

    1. In order to start a player city, you must purchase one of the various City Hall Deeds from the City Manager inside West Brit Bank (Fel or Tram). The City Manager also sells other buildings you can add to your city as it grows, plus a city resource box where you can add all types of items for the entire city to use. (Players that are not members of your city cannot access your city's resource box, you'll probably want to place the city resource box inside the city hall.)

    2. Placement of the City Hall (and the addon buildings) fall under the same guidelines as placing a real house does, but also a city hall must be placed at least 100 tiles away from any other town and/or player city (200x200 tile square area). Also, player cities cannot be placed anywhere in Ilshenar and for now, the number of cities per map are limited, 25 cities for Fel and Tram each, 10 cities for Tokuno and Malas each.

    3. After your City Hall is positioned, you must place a house plot nearby. We suggest placing a small 7x7 slot just to occupy space, unless you want a full sized house in your city. Those players that already have two house plots will have to drop one house to move it into their city limits. (Note: ALL Citizens must have a houseplot within the city limits to be added as a citizen and if the player placing the city hall does not have a houseplot within the city limits, when the first update happens, the city could fall.)

    4. Once your houseplot is placed, go into the City Hall and double click the City Management stone.

    5. You will see this:

    6. Click the various buttons on the right side of the window to make changes to your city. (Note: Some items you cannot enable until your city reaches a certain level, i.e. Enabling guards, your city must be level 3 for that.)

    City Updates-
Changes to cities will NOT be saved until the city has updated. City Updates will happen every 24 hours. This is 24 hours from when your city was first placed, then every 24 hours after that.

    City Levels-
Level 1 - Outpost, 2 Citizens required, plus mayor, 50x50 area of coverage for city limits.
Level 2 - Village,  4 Citizens required, plus mayor, 60x60 area of coverage for city limits.
Level 3 - Township, 5 Citizens required, plus mayor, 80x80 area of coverage for city limits.
Level 4 - City, 10 Citizens required, plus mayor, 90x90 area of coverage for city limits.
Level 5 - Metropolis, 20 Citizens required, plus mayor, 100x100 area of coverage for city limits.
Level 6 - Empire, 40 Citizens required, plus mayor, 140x140 area of coverage for city limits.

    Once your City reaches level 3, you can apply for a City Board on the forums and link your blog to that board. Mayors and Assitant Mayors of each city will be able to edit their individual city boards. Once you have a blog and/or a City Board setup, you can change your City's URL to the address of the City Board or your forum blog. You'll also be able to add more buildings as your city grows.

    City Treasury-
You'll want to keep enough gold in there to support at least one update per 24 hours. The Misc section of the City Management stone will give you information about upkeep costs and can also be used for demolishing the city. You can add as much gold to the city treasury as you like, this gold is then used for maintenance costs and can also be withdrawn by the Mayor or Asst Mayor. Putting money in the treasury can be done by adding it by hand, or through taxes.

    City Taxes-
You can have various taxes that can be used to raise money for your city. Different taxes get added at different ranks or when you add certain civic structures, i.e. if you add a city healer, you can apply the resurrection fee and a corpse retrieval fee, if you add a city moongate, you can apply the transportation fee.

    Elections and Voting-
Anyone can run for mayor by simply opening the voting stone and clicking the button to run for office. Citizens can then vote for whomever they wish. An election is held every 30 days. The citizen with the most votes wins the election. In the event no one runs against the current city mayor, the current mayor continues to stay in office. It is advisable for a mayor to select an Assistant Mayor as soon as possible. In the event the current mayor has his/her account banned or deleted, the Assistant Mayor takes over as acting mayor.

    What level does my city need to be to add _______?
Level 1 - Outpost: Small City Garden (Forensics required: > 40).
Level 2 - Village: City Bank (Forensics required: >40), Medium City Garden (Forensics required: > 50).
Level 3 - Township: City Moongate (Forensics required: >55), City Market (Forensics required: >60), Large City Garden (Forensics required: >60).
Level 4 - City: City Healer (Forensics required: >60), Small City Park (Forensics required: >70).
Level 5 - Metropolis: City Stable (Forensics required: >80), Medium City Park (Forensics required: >80).
Level 6 - Empire: City Tavern (Forensics required: >95), Large City Park (Forensics required: >90).

    Registering your city-
Okay, so now you've established your city, but how do you get people to it? Well, unfortunately, you can't register the city until it has reached Level 3: Township. Once you're at that level or higher, you can register your city. This adds a listing for your city on ALL public moongates under the Player City menu. If you have taxes in place for Transportation fees, then anyone using your moongate to leave the city gets charged the fee and anyone using a public moongate to get to your city gets charged the fee. This fee goes directly into the treasury.

Adding a city healer is a good idea. It provides another place for players to res and once Resurrection Taxes are setup, anyone using your city healer to res will be charged the fee, which goes into the city treasury.

    City Market-
The City Market is a spot where any player can place a vendor. Citizens of the city don't have to pay the purchase price for a mall token though. Anyone not a citizen must go up to the Marketkeeper and say JOIN to find out what the cost is to purchase a mall token. Then simply drag/drop that amount onto the Marketkeeper and you will be given a mall token. Step inside the City Market wherever you want, or wherever there's an open space, then double click the mall token. City Vendors work the same as regular player vendors, except if the City Mayor has set Income Tax on the City, that means that amount will be deducted from each sale on every vendor, even vendors placed in the market by citizens of that city. Next to the Marketkeeper, two random NPC vendors will show up. These randomly change every once in awhile, and they too have Income Tax applied to their sales. If you are the City Mayor, you can go to the Marketkeeper and double click them. This opens the Market Vendor window where you can set the cost of a mall token, as well as the duration of the contract, up to 4 weeks, same as a regular player vendor.

    Declaring War/Peace/Propose Alliance-
If you should decide to declare war on another player city, simply open the City Management window from the City Management stone and click on War Dept. In there you can declare war, manage war invitations, declare peace, and approve alliances. If you declare war on another city, it doesn't happen immediately. The other city's mayor MUST APPROVE the war declaration. If not, the war does not happen. Same thing goes for alliances. A city's mayor can declare peace immediately however. They have the power to cut through the red tape and get some things done much faster.

    As time goes on, we will be adding additional functionality to this system, like allowing cities to fall under siege by other cities that are at war with you for example. Additional functionality will be posted as a new topic in the Installed Content forum so players won't miss anything new added.