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Smugglers at Skara Brae

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:22 am
by michtymog
Intercept the moonshine runners who are carrying a load of Lord British's Beer from their hideout in the outskirts of Britain. You may keep them to drink, if you wish, but there is a rich reward to be given if you choose to do the honest thing! Of course, you can also always choose to be outright criminal and sell your bounty to Grubbins who can be found along the road to Skara Brae from Britain.

1k gold per keg! (Karma +)
1.5k gold per keg!(Karma -)
A chance of a deco-collector set, Blessed Shield of Inebriation or the Blessed Shield of Thievery.

Note: This is not a conventional quest - so quest points are not awarded. The Moonshine runner also cannot be harmed you must simply try to rob his packmules before he reaches his destination.