Our new weekly event -The Ultimate Skullball League- will begin on Saturday, 9:30pm, EST. To join the event, simply enter the moongate that will appear near the Bank in New Haven at that time.
A deadly new game is here for you to participate in at the Expanse: Ultimate Skullball. In this arena you will be pitted against traps, players and troublesome monsters. The aim? To try and be the first team to get 10 skulls into the net of your opponent.
-Players will need to split themselves into team of two.
-First team to 10 goals wins.
-Each team will then play an elimination game of two matches.
-First team to win two matches wins goes through to the next round.
-The winning team over all will be granted Reward Scrolls packages of 10 scrolls per player and a Champion Robe (Dyeable robe with +5 in all Resists.)
-The runner up team will receive a bundle of 5 Reward scrolls.
Skull bonanza
On the pitch you'll notice the inclusion of a Head basket. Use this to dispose of the Heads of the rowdy streaker that randomly invades the pitch. Getting 5 in the basket will trigger SKULL BONANZA - where the pitch will be invaded with 60 Skeletons! Each skeleton has a small chance of dropping an item of Bone Furniture or a Hanging Skeleton Deed.
Dirty Dog Bonus
The linesmutt sometimes carry half-chewed skullballs that you can use offensively/defensively to trigger poison fields on the pitch. Pick them up and run to the head basket to activate this feature.
-PvP is accepted.
-No pets, mounts or summons are allowed.
-Each team is limited to two players.
-No Evo-weaponry is allowed on the pitch.
-Any player attempting to interfere or disrupt the procedings will be excluded for duration of the event.Statistics: Posted by michtymog — Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:50 am