Credits and Special Thanks-
Nothing on this shard would be possible without all the helpful folks over at RunUO and ServUO. Although a lot of code is created and customized in-house for The Expanse, but some of the content on the shard has been provided by the communities at RunUO and ServUO, but altered for compatibility and balancing. Unlike other shards that like to take credit for everything, we are not afraid to give credit where credit is due. Thank you RunUO and ServUO Communities!
We would also like to take this time to thank our core testing team; Raist and Mogster. Be sure and thank them for their efforts in reporting bug issues to help provide you with a more trouble-free gaming experience. Mogster provided a lot of the custom quests for The Expanse, along with several large, static builds. Many thanks to Mog for all his work!
A lot of time and effort has gone into making this shard and maintaining it. If you happen to come across a member of our staff, please be sure to thank them for their efforts in putting things together and keeping things going. We would also like to take this time and thank all current and former staff on The Expanse for their years of dedication, creativity, and hardwork; Thank you, everyone!
Richard Garriott, Starr Long, EA and OSI from bringing UO into the digital world, many thanks!
Last, but certainly not least, we would like to thank all of our players!