
At this time The Expanse freeshard is temporarily offline until a new hosting solution is found. We apologize for the downtime, and appreciate your patience. Development of The Expanse is continuing in the interim, including The Expanse desktop. Please keep an eye on The Expanse forums, Facebook, or Twitter for any updates. - Raist(5-1-2017)

The Expanse is proud to open it's door to all new players! Bring your friends, family, neighbor, whomever! But, if you refer someone contact the admin before you refer them as this also has benefits for you and your friend, as you will both receive a gift.

We have moved our full client download to You may be asked to enter in a Captcha to download the file, that was put in place by MediaFire. You can download our full client files by clicking the following link: Full Client (This is a large file, around 1.2GB, but it will always be current with the latest shard patches.)

Existing players to The Expanse that are running at least Patch 1.9.1, may download just the Patch 2.0 files by following this link: Patch 2.0 (Files Only) (Patch files are usually considerably smaller than the Full Client.)

Without our full custom client installation players will be unable to access a lot of the custom content we have on The Expanse.
Everything from pet parrot hues to house walls and doors can only be seen with our custom client installed. Recent changes to the UO client are causing connectivity issues for players that have a client patched beyond 7.0.30. If that is your case, please download the full client from the link above. There is no need to install it, just unzip the archive and use Razor or AssistUO and point to the folder you unzipped it to.

Connecting to the shard is taken care of via Razor or the newer AssistUO (both provided by RunUO). Once downloaded, add the following to the server list: port 2593.

For those that would like an external map program, with UO Auto Map being so far out-of-date, we recommend UO Cartographer. You can download it by clicking here: UO Cartographer

The server will have very little downtime overall, except for a nightly reboot starting at 11:05pm EST. Estimated downtime should be between 5-15 minutes.

Check back here if you're having trouble connecting.