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FireRock Crafting

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:11 am
by Raist
New Additions Updated:


FireRock Crafting

FireRock Crafting-The FireRock Crafting book can be crafted with Inscription, the Fire Pick can be crafted with Tinkering, and the FireRock Items can be crafted with Blacksmithing. Allows for creation of Firecfrafted armor, weapons, and fire steed barding deeds, plus various deco items.

How It Works:
Once you learn how to mine FireRock by reading the book Mining Firerock, you can use a Fire Pick to mine from any lava tile, except those you can place in your house.

Crystaline Fire
Small FireRock

Minimum 100 Mining Skill

NOTE: Caution should be taken while mining for FireRock as there is a chance a FireRock Elemental will spawn. These monsters are immune to pets, so be on your guard. Watch for FireRock Gargoyles as well, they can drop Gargoyle Fire Picks.